In the spring of 2022 I was commissioned by the ‘Sint Goedele Scholengroep‘ to have a multitude of images made and a few videos produced for internal and external use. The group is comprised of 13 creches, 21 kindergarden and primary schools and four middle schools, each with their own profile and specialities. They all needed to have their distincting features presented of course, from the special needs school to the ‘classic’ colleges, from the ‘Teenage-school’ to the selfmanaging schooling, from the OKAN classes to the STEM system…

With such a vast amount of work, it was almost impossible to organise shoots where we would have the permissions upfront to depict the children – gdpr has made that kind of work for schools rather difficult. So the goal was to have several sets that avoided that issue by depicting them as unrecognisable (as well as other ‘normal’ ones of course). Consequently I’m only allowed to present the unrecognisable ones. If you’re interested in seeing images that do depict the kids, there’s a set of selected images that stay behind a password: contact me if you would like to access them.