During the easter holiday, I teamed up with the guys at Piazza del’ Arte again for a Medialab workshop with the youngsters at JES Luchtbal. Omar, Doha and I went out and about in Luchtbal, the Antwerp district squeezed between the harbour, industrial sites and the highway, resulting in this little film.
Project Type: workshop
Piazza del’ Arte
Over the course of a decade now, I’ve been regularly working with Piazza del’Arte, an Antwerp based organisation that plunges children and youngsters in various artistic and creative workshops. Having the vj and audiovisual background, I started off mainly doing live video, installations and mapping. But over the years those Mixed Media sessions evolved into something even more open, getting back to the origins of the term ‘mixed media’ in paintings and sculpture. Here’s some highlights of those years working in schools:
We built a doorway to the underground…
it’s freaky what some bicycle lights can do: walking by it looked as if the thing was eying you… a totem built from sleepers. we were lucky they were rebuilding the playground so we could fiddle about with all the rubble a Chrysalis as a stage…
Sumo Scene
The Big Apple (but we called it the death star) Real life Super Mario is dreaming of his princess…
Animal mapping on sculptures
Alice in wonderland even darker -
Big Apple
Made an installation with youngsters from Stedelijk Lyceum Quellin in Antwerp, during a Piazza de l’Arte workshop. Sponsored by Argenta, it was presented during an event that launched the building of their new head offices and later got a spot in their reception hall.