As an independant artist, I’m always developping several projects at a time because you never know wich one is going to get picked up, so here’s some of those projects in the making:
Spoorzoekers (Trackers – working title)
I’m currently developing a decolonisation trajectory with the communes of Sint-Pieters- and Sint-Lambrechts-Woluwe to be deployed during 2024.
The Survival Social Club
The Survival Social Club is an artistic participative project that gathers people around the idea of how to survive an impending climate apocalypse and how does that help us to create a better society today. It continues on the path I layed out earlier with ‘the extinction survival archive #1’ and #2 taking it to a next level of ‘urban prepping’. Take a closer look at the concept
There Here Now
An audiovisual performance with Sigrid Keunen. We worked together for a first time at Tristero and are now looking out for further opportunities to develop the performance. There’s quite a few projects in the making collaborating with Sigrid, under our common moniker ‘The SS Daydream’. There’s ‘Mr. Breath’, a contemporary opera with a DJ and new creations of H.C. Andersen’s ‘The Nightingale’ and ‘Thumbelina’.