Project Type: Live AV/VJ

  • There Here Now

    There Here Now

    Installation Performance for viola, masks & moving image

    First try-out at the Tristero House (Schaarbeek, Brussels) on April 8 2022

    There Here Now is a new project I’m working on with viola player Sigrid Keunen. The sculptural/music performance she was working on counterpointed nicely with an audiovisual version of the Marklin series I was developping. We put our heads together for the first time during a residency at Tristero House and currently planning new residencies to develop the piece further.

    More info on the concept.

    Feel free to get in touch if you feel this piece fits your program or venue!

  • Visual Kitchen

    Visual Kitchen

    VJ-collective – later duo – that set off a career creating visuals for all kinds of music. Check out the musicvideo’s, installations and live performances on the Visual Kitchen website



    In june 2019 Walter Verdin contacted me to assist him in restaging his videoconcert ‘VIDEORHYTHMICS’ from 1984. There were some technical challenges to tackle: finding the right 4:3-ratio projector, testing vintage Barco SCM 2850 monitors and recreating a PAL environment on modern gear while eliminating all latency problems. The people at Vidisquare still had the vintage gear and peripherals in stock. Gathering the original band was impossible but most of the original musicians were back on the job. The two concerts at OPEK served as a testcase, the production is ready for touring. There’s a review (in dutch) about the piece and the new staging by Dagmar Dirkx. Get in touch if you’re interested!

    Check out more excerpts on the videolepsia page

  • Anima Mea

    Anima Mea

    Concert by Ensemble Polyfoon, featuring Michaƫl Pas as Andreas Vesalius during his process before the spanish inquisition. The video is a continuous loop where a godlike character had to look at, or away from, the actions on specific times.

  • Patterns in a Chromatic Field

    Patterns in a Chromatic Field

    One of the last productions with Visual Kitchen, Morton Feldman’s piece Patterns in a chromatic field, challenged our possibilities to create a videopiece that evolved so slowly it was hardly noticable. With Arne Deforce on cello and Yutaka Oya on piano, it premiered at ‘Festival van Vlaanderen, Kortrijk‘ and later played at November Music and during SLOW at Concertgebouw Brugge.