There Here Now

Installation Performance for viola, masks & moving image First try-out at the Tristero House (Schaarbeek, Brussels) on April 8 2022 There Here Now is a new project I’m working on with viola player Sigrid Keunen. The sculptural/music performance she was working on counterpointed nicely with an audiovisual version of the Marklin series I was developping. […]
Bye Bye Leopold

Somewhere before the summer of 2021, a call was made for a project with the title ‘ByeBye Leopold, Destination Simonis’. A group of neighbours of the Leopold II boulevard (between Sainctelette and Simonis) were looking for an action that could gather people. Questionning the renaming of the boulevard, since it’s namegiver is considered highly problematic […]
The extinction survival archive #2

How to survive in the city, with Ann Van de Vyvere The “Archive of Untold Stories” project landed at ZSenne Artlab again. This edition further investigated the the archive as a way of presenting stories. The Extinction Survival Archive started during a previous residency at ZSenne Artlab. The pandemic has turned the attention away from […]
The Age of Aquarius

From may 17th to 30th, ‘The Archive of Untold Stories’ was hosted again at ZSenne ARTlab examining the archive as a presentation tool and presenting projects in different stages of completion. The archive boxes, old and new ones, can be opened up again and reveal their stories. A live broadcast on saturday 22nd, presented the […]
the Extinction Survival Archive

The Extinction Survival Archive is a spin-off archive of the ‘Archive of Untold Stories’ where we look into the possibilities of survival in a post-apocalyptic world. The Extinction Survival Archive started during a previous residency at ZSenne Artlab. The pandemic has turned the attention away from an impending problem: The tipping point of our climate, […]
Molly English

The Archive of Untold Stories is a research project on how to use the archive as a narrative, using ‘raw’ materials to tell stories. The numerous boxes contain a mixture of projects and idea’s, all in different states of completion, some merely a concept, others as good as ready to go into production. For this […]